Friday, April 6, 2007

Day 20

Good workout today - I'm getting better at jumprope, albeit in small increments. I can also do the squeeze grip thingy better than 3 weeks ago.

After watching the videos of myself, and after working out for a few weeks now, one thing is clear: I only have a fraction of my old flexibility. Heck, I tried to squat today for the first time, and it hurt when I went down about the quarter of the way. This would explain why my knees are so sore. Why didn't I try a squatting test in the beginning of this quest? I have no idea. Although, I often enter ignorantly into large undertakings, or else I would never do them.

Looks like there won't be a video this week. Not only am I not jump testing, I don't think I'll do an official workout, because I'll be sitting in front of a computer at work all weekend. I will do my basic workouts though....I might film a flexibility test for a trainer to analyze, in which case I'd post it for comedy purposes.

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