Thursday, April 5, 2007

Day 18-19

Wednesday, Thursday
Today I made some good scratch on the stock market during my jog. If that's not incentive, what is? Oh yeah, the glory of the dunk!

The last 2 days have been good basic workouts:
1. Jog
2. Sideways Run
3. Stability Squats
4. Jumprope

The jumprope is gonna take time to get good and in shape, but it's much less impactful than any kind of plyometric training. I feel good about continuing this program for another week. I'm also considering cancelling my jumptest this Sunday, to give more rest to my knee.

I also have family in town, and have to work this weekend. I will still exercise though! This whole busy-with-work threat should die down after Monday....should...OK, it's 9pm, so back to work for a couple of more hours...poo..

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