Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day 4

This morning workout was hard, as my muscles are broken down. I have actually run 4 days in a row before(post college), and the 4th day is always exhilirating. So I'm hoping for that tomorrow morning.

I was about to eat Del Taco for lunch, but Mickey stopped me. I sulked, and went to Ralphs and got a salad. I hate salads. But it occurs to me that I should really explore this nutrition thing. I know the basics like salad good, sugar bad, grease bad. I just need to know what's best for weight loss and power.

I also need to settle on a workout for leaping. Surprised I didn't have one to start? Well, if i waited for that research to start and finish, i'd never have done this quest.......I have explored some plyometric sites like this: leg strengthening exercises , or the Gerard Butler's "Spartan 300" workout . Of course Mickey has ideas, as does one of my producers who's dad is a trainer. His dad says i need to do stability training before even starting the leaping training. Increasing my stability will lay a foundation for higher leaping.

I'm also interested in this site's product dunknow , which says I would increase my vertical by 14". But everything about them, including when i called, makes me feel like I'm in a Gondry/Charlie Kauffman movie. It's just weird, like I'll end up in Malkovich's head while caught in my memories of childhood when I was eaten by a crocodile owned by Chris Cunningham. It's also $30, but i might buy it for the cause.

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