Thursday, February 28, 2008

Week 50.1

Well, after a month of my new "diet", which consisted of no fried foods and no sugar, I may have lost 2 pounds. This, with increased workouts per week.

So now Kelly and I are moving more hard-core, which can actually be summarized as: no more pasta, bread, or starch for dinner. I'll continue with a protein shake for breakfast, then meat/rabbit food for lunch, and more meat/rabbit food for dinner. I will also try to eat a little less for each meal, and snack here and there.

Kelly believes I'll gain 4-5" with 10 pounds of weight loss....should I bet him on this? However, I reached my max jump 10 months ago, after my first 2 months of training - which was really just conditioning with no weights or plyos. So if I continue my workouts, and diet harder, something good should happen, right?

Unfortunately, it's almost 2am, and I still have work left to do tonight. And it's not even March yet, which is gonna be a super tough month, probably involving some all-nighters, which will wipe me out for days and screw up my progress....

Here we go!


Anonymous said...

seems like you don't want it bad enough. lately your entries are all negative. I think Kelly is right on on with respect to the gain you'll get from the weight loss. grab a 10lb plate, tape it to your back and see how much vert you lose.

Anonymous said...

Or you could ignore the idea about putting a 10lb metal plate to your back with tape... which could with the worst possible outcome kill you, and the best possible outcome waste your time.

If you were going to try something like that, the best solution would be to get a weight vest, and just put 10 pounds on it.

Attaching a 10lb. metal plate to your body with tape is probably not the brightest idea I've heard...

Joel Lava said...

I don't want it bad enough? Why I oughta....Of course I do...I've been working out with great dedication. Sorry if I get discouraged once in a while, Barack.

I never said losing weight wasn't a logical step in reaching my goal. In fact, i have said that I do need to lose weight.

Kelly also suggested holding a ten pound weight in my hand to test. But I'm confused by all these suggestions. Reccomending jumping with weights to see the difference is kind of like saying,"Hit your self in the head with a hammer, and you'll find it hurts".

Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

ur slacking!get teh videos man smh

you will never dunk smh

Anonymous said...

I wasn't really recommending you do it because it's obvious what the outcome would be. You wouldn't jump as high...

I was just saying that if you were going to try that, using the anonymous person's method probably wouldn't be a very intelligent thing to do.

Good luck and keep up the good work mate. You're in good hands with Kelly and you'll get there eventually.

Anonymous said...

i think the sarcasm of my suggestion was lost. point is, kely is right. drop a few lbs.