Saturday, January 12, 2008

Week 42.1

Food Poisoning
Sunday night, I had a hotdog at Commerce Casino. Monday afternoon, I had a Subway Sandwich (cold cut trio with southwest sauce). But all I know is I felt funky Sunday night, and my workout Monday morning was poor. By Monday late afternoon, I wasn't feeling right. By dinner time, I was making many bathroom visits. This continued into Tuesday.

Then Wednesday night, I thought I was clear and had spaghetti. Thursday, I was back to the bathroom. My whole week was basically lost.

I did a little jog Friday and resumed my plyo's today on Saturday.

So since I hired Kelly Baggett as a trainer, I've hurt my foot and gotten food poisoning, thus wasting the first 2 weeks.

And my vert today, after hardly eating all week with food poisoning, was the same as it's ever been. So I'm more confused.


Anonymous said...

How have the workouts with Kelly been, and has he changed a lot on your workout or told you anything encouraging that might hint at you being able to dunk it any time in the near future?

Good luck, and keep it up. =)

Anonymous said...

wow... how unfortunate. but yea a while bac i posted how u were an inspiration, glad to see that u have still been worKing at it after all this time. the dedication alone is has put me in awe.