Thursday, April 17, 2008

Week 56.2

So, yesterday I resumed my training, and started with my jump plyos and upper body weights. I had gained 2 inches on my vert! This, after 2+ weeks of no workouts and no sleep!

Look, I get the physiology of it all - that my body somehow was able to rest it's joints from wear and tear, that I may have lost a few pounds because I still ate healthy and ate less....And of course I'll take the gains after many months of no improvement. But it's also frustrating that I made more gains by doing nothing (yes, my previous training was a big part of that gain).

Anyways, it felt like I was on a trampoline. I really felt some spring for the first time in a long time. We'll see what happens now...


Anonymous said...

Hey why so negative?! You made progress and that's what counts!

With the training you actually don't make your muscles stronger or more explosive, you just tell them to get stronger. So you did no training for 2 weeks which doesn't mean that your muscles weren't building up strength! It is like the real work happens when your doing nothing but you probably heard that already...

Congratulations on your gain! Keep up the good work and post a lot of videos!
My favorite line so far:
"I'm feeling good now, I felt like shit three seconds ago!"

Anonymous said...

Hey Joel,

I liked this post. Take any improvements you can get my friend ;-)

To better understand why you improved after missing so much training, kelly baggett has often written (and this makes sense to me) that improves occur during the recover, and not during the hard times in the gym. So you simply cashed in on all the good workouts you had put in the bank prior to the break.

So I want to ask, does that mean your vertical is now up to 2" more inches since your anniversary video!?!?! Are you hitting 30" vertical now!? I'm dying to know!

Your mate,


MannyFSU said...

Hey Joel,

Just started doing VBJ about two weeks ago and also just started learning how to video edit using premier sooo I use your videos for two goals!!

I just wanted to say keep up the hard work. I have about the same stats as you 6'2 200lbs with a running vert of about 28in. My goal is to reach about 33 by end of July. So far on 2 weeks of VJB i've gained about 1in.

Keep up the good work! I will try and start creating videos and blogging about my progress too.
