Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 87-88

Tuesday, Wednesday
I've been on the quest for about 3 months now, and overall, not as far as I wanted to be. I feel like every passing week of working out is a bonus, since my industry could tear me away from exercise (or a life) at any moment.

I just read the well regarded Vertical Jump Bible and it is filled with good information. One major thing it addresses is fewer workouts, with more days off, which seems counter intuitive. It seems that if I work out almost everyday, I'll get farther. But VJB says the opposite. It makes a lot of sense, and after 3 months of stagnation, I need to do something different.

I'm almost, but not quite, ready to succumb to the VJB philosophy. Figuring out which program is right for me is still a little confusing, and requires multiple reads. I'm due for a weight session tomorrow, so I don't think I'll officially start until next week. In fact, this weekend I'm going to Vegas with my wife, so that will be a perfect time to train with "days off"!!!

Oh, today I did a normal workout, but added depth jumps and drop jumps. No idea if I did them right. As an aside, this morning I weighed 197. For a variety of reasons, all i had to eat before my afternoon workout was a bowl of cereal and a cliff bar. After the workout I weighed 189! Then I drank water and a protein shake, and went back up to 192. Kinda funny.

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