Friday, June 8, 2007

Day 83

Off Day.

A fascinating thing about this blog and my videos is that I've been hearing from people all over the world, and receiving tons of different suggestions: Strength shoes, single leg squats, sprints, no jogging, lose weight first, ankle weights, and to follow the Vertical Jump Bible. It's overwhelming, and hard to parse.

A common suggestion is that one needs to take days off so the body can recover. So today I felt good and had energy, but I didn't workout. Is this right? Is it wrong? Who knows. But I'm taking 2 days off a week (i take it easy after weight days).

Also, I get a lot of response that makes it sound like everyone in the world can dunk, which unfortunately is discouraging. It actually pisses me off. I'm pissed right now. I'm just saying. Feel free to tell me you can dunk. Tell me your little brother could dunk in the 9th grade. Fine. I'll just channel my rage into positive leaping energy. I will now visualize myself dunking over everyone who can currently dunk, with my foot in their face.

I have a right to be pissed. I'm approaching 90 days of my quest, I'm only to the base of my fingers, and I make a youtube fool of myself almost every week. All fuel for the fire.


Unknown said...

Don't get discouraged. Stay positive my friend!! Some people just aren't going to gain as fast as others. I've been working out for half a year and have only gained a couple inches (there are other factors to take into account for everyone but still).

As far as gimmicks go, stay away from them all. No shoes, no vest. Numerous studies have shown that strength shoes don't help at all with vertical. People who do the strength shoe exercises without using the shoes gain just as much as the ones using the shoes. Once again, a gimmick. Don't listen to any "gain x # of inches in x # of weeks". Vests only give you gains temporarily. If you stop wearing it you get weaker. The same as if you stop going to the gym you get weaker. Would you rather go to the gym for the rest of your life or wear a vest for the rest of your life. (no disrespect meant to the people suggesting you use these tools).

The whole point of what many at TV have been saying sums up to identifying your weaknesses and attacking them. A balanced athlete is a foundation for greater achievements.

I believe in your quest! Keep up the hard work!

Eric said...

If you train like a professional you may have results like a professional

How many professional sports players don't work out constantly?

Muscle memory - if you once had worked out your muscles to the point of being able to dunk - it would be easier to reach that point in the future. So, once you get to the point that you want it will be easier to get back there if your training ever falls off.

It is your sole purporse to be able to dunk, and as quickly as possible - not slowly build that up over the next two years

Weight vests, shoes, whatever, are all in conjunction to a broad based strength program. There are a lot of things you can use to get explosiveness out of your legs - something that seems to be lacking after - what - 3 months. I'd suggest you change up your routine because what you have been doing doesn't seem to be working.

Good luck bro.

Marius said...

I know this is a little bit late but anyway wanted to comment here. I am actually in the same situation like you I never have dunked. But I stated to train for this matter. Recently I discovered your blog and I really enjoy it and hope to learn from your experience (now reading it step by step) and finally achieve our goal :). So do not look only on those guys who says they can dunk, do not forget that there is a lot of guys who can not dunk, but actually would like to do it and you are the inspiration for them!