Thanks to everyone and their nice comments. I haven't checked this blog in 2 months because I was sad about not achieving the dunk. One if i win the lottery, I'll do it to it.
Quick note: I now jog less than once a week. I'm not sleeping much, and I don't eat as well. So OF COURSE I weigh less than I ever did whilst training, at 188! Of course, my legs and upper body have visibly less muscle mass. It feels like a little trick the workout gods are playing on me.
Keep training everyone!
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You may not be able to train now , but you are still able to dream man...
Dont lose hope , sooner or later you'll be out there training again.
Its time to be more dad than athlete now , but the athlete will come back... sooner or later.
Congratulations and best wishes for your baby :)
PS: 34+yo 6ft white guy on dunk week 80 here( with Kelly as one and only guru of course ), i guess our dunk quest similarities are more than obvious...
hey, i just saw your site and videos on youtube for the first time. first off, congrats on fatherhood.
i know you put your quest on hold, but i just wanted to say that i noticed a lot of leg exercises and not much arms. as a former basketball player and high jumper, i know that almost 30% of your power can be generated when you swing your arms from waist level to above your head. also work the calves. together, calves and upper body do more than the quads and thighs.
dont give up.
"together, calves and upper body do more than the quads and thighs"???
For god's shake , howcome he didnt propose to work out the eyebrows and the fingertips , they contribute much more than the quads and thighs too...
Lets all stop squating and deadlifting , all the coaches on the world are wrong!
PS : not hating the previous guy , his comments and suggestions are apreciated , they are just way so wrong... peace to all! :D
You haven't failed, your success has just been temporarily delayed. So long as you dont wait too long, I'd say 3 or so months when you get back on the horse you will get back to your old standard within 2 or so months.
I am young but I do have alot of personal and professional experience with training. I have followed in your footsteps and set myself the same goal.
Height (im 5'8.5) rather than age is my hurdle.
Have a look at my new blog at
keep it up once you get the chance! i right now am trying vertfreak. This is a new jump training workout. The vjb is good to. actually they are rated the same. anyway i am still trying to dunk at age 15 5'11".it helps me to see you out there and you kinda gave me some more confidence.ohh and before i foget..i noticed on your squat form your knees go too far forward..well i had same problem beggining(you squat alot more than me though max 185)..but keep your fet still and also your shins..try to move only your hips forward and back..look it up you'll get it!!
Hey, I saw one of your video's on youtube where you got up to 29". That is fantastic as I am just starting and mine is a paltry 18". My goal is to add 10" to that so I'll be able to touch the rim. My reach is 7'-8". I used to touch the rim in high school 25 years ago!
To Your Health!
James Reno (editor)
I feel you were so close, you only needed a couple more inches. I read a couple posts other places where lowering the rim and dunking really helped people. They would slowly raise the rim as they got good dunking at that height, till it was 120". Maybe you could just make some 2'x2' pieces of plywood, stack them up to get 4 inches off the ground and jump off that to dunk. Then as you get good, take a sheet out. Stick them together so it makes a solid platform though, maybe bigger too. Just an idea, seems like that would be good positive energy getting you closer to your goal.
Also, I didn't read the whole blog, but are you eating protein and other good food to build/repair the muscle?
Get back on the horse, it's time! I want to see a success video
mi nombre es felipe galvez soy de chile y debo decir que eres una inspiración para jóvenes como yo que se inician en el baloncesto, al principio me pareció muy divertido pero al final me di cuenta del esfuerzo que realizas día a día y me parece que deberías lograr lo que te propones ya que esta es tu ultima oportunidad de hacerlo, sin otra cosa que decir me despido y te deseo lo mejor, adiós (you can doing)
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