I have had a beautiful baby girl, at 3:30 am on September 27th. What this means is my life has now radically changed, starting with sleep schedule and deprivation, and constant diaper changing.
Thanks to so many of you who supported me and gave excellent comments and insight. It was awesome.
I did manage one more jump test on a wood court, and easily grabbed rim, but it wasn't enough.
My quest is only suspended, because I know this is achievable, at least till age 50. That's just how I feel.
Good luck to everyone out there, and feel free to hit me up with questions. At the very least, I can direct you where you need to go.

congratulations on the newcomer! ive been following your blog for a while because i too am training to dunk.
you should try and make a video tying up your training or atleast post what your workout plans would be like generally.
i may do a follow up video, thx...when i get time...good luck
Its both a happy and sad day, I have followed your blog for a while. I'm 5'10 have dunked b4 then had knee trouble, fixed it dunked a few times again but put on a bit of weight and can't now.
Its sad to see you didnt reach your goal but congrats on the new comer!
congratulations! and good luck joel you'll needed.
At least you had a good workout for being a dady.
One more time good luck and congratulations!
never give up dude, ive been watchin ya for ages and could only do about whta you could, had ma first dunk today lols, two handed, but its not that great... keep it up good look
Congratulations on the baby girl!
I think your wife just gave birth to an 8 lb. training partner. I alwyas say get'em start early. She'll be out of those pull-ups and all over the rim in no time, so enjoy it while it lasts.
In seriousness, congratulations and as always I hope all goes well for you.
congratulations on the new family member.
just so you know, you are one awesome and unique guy.
i am too training for the past 2.5 years to dunk(on and off of course)
and you've been a continuous source of inspiration and motivation. i've been following your blog for some time but stopped for almost 10 months since i enlisted the army(thats why i couldnt keep my training flow..) and seeing you now steel trying is just amaing i wish a lot of success in reaching your goal and MAZAL TOV!
Thats a cute little baby. Good luck on your quest Joel, I am sad, because you inspired my training efforts greatly. Keep doing your thing.
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