Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Week 71.1

Brokeback Vert Up

The day after shooting my last jump test, I wrenched my back doing squats. I wasn't even going max, but it felt like crushing and tearing. Somehow, i was able to stand back up, which meant my legs still had the strength at least. I could barely sit for 2 days, but my back improved enough to tell me it wasn't spinal. By Sunday, my back was still sore, but curiously it didn't hurt when I jump. So I did a little one-on-one, and another jump test...Here ya go...


Anonymous said...

Ok. i found your blog from watching youtube videos. I'm a high schooler about to turn 17. I've been able to dunk since february and think dunking is an awesome feeling. what your doing is awesome, keep up the good work and you will be rewarded. Those of us who can dunk are an elite few in the scope of things, it would be great for you to become one of us.


Shane Hunt

Anonymous said...

try using the jump manual. Ive just started it and im doing a blog also. Jacob says that if you follow his program down to th letter you can easily gain multiple inches in the first month

Anonymous said...

good progress j. if you can, could you post a video of a dunk attempt with a basketball? my concern is that i note a lot of armswing in your jump (which btw would be excellent for spiking a volleyball :)

also, when is the due date?

Thomas Miller said...

Hey man keep training hard and you'll reach your goals. Good stuff! and oh yea have you've seen coolcolj vertical jump calculator. Its supposed calculate your vertical using your bodyweight and full olympic squat. do a google search on it. Its pretty cool

Joel Lava said...

thanks everyone!