Sunday, March 9, 2008

Week 52.1

I'm back from the Toronto shoot (a success!), but I think I got sick no thanks to jogging in sub-zero temperatures. I only got 2 exercise days in, so I'm sore again from Friday's workout.

I was going to do a high-fa-lutin video with cool graphics and stuff. But 1) I'm just too busy, and 2) since I'm in my ANNIVERSARY week, I will shoot a vertical leap progress video in a couple of weeks. The video below is the one finally showing my customized workout with Kelly Baggett .

You, like me, might be surprised to find it's not super intense, as far as quantity of workouts. The day with jumping kills me on the lunge jumps and the other day kills me with the Bulgarian lunges. Obviously, lunges are killing me, in a good and necessary way, of course.

Here's the video:UPDATE: Baggett watched the vid and told me I should do the lunge depth drops to the side, not forward....
Music by Goose, "Bring it On".

Here's the other videos, or at the link at upper right of home page.

Here's my actual workouts:
(do every other day)
-backwards depth drop x 3
-lunge jumps, 5 per leg
-1 jump
-------repeat the above until the jump decreases: Kelly said to do 5, but it takes me a while to loosen up, so I do about 9
-single leg box jump (jump onto a stair each foot at a time)
-upper body free weights, including bench, chinups, curls, etc

-single leg lateral hops for 10 seconds
-depth drop into lunge, 3x3
-eccentric speed squat
-bulgarian dumbell lunge (back foot raised on bench)
-single leg back raise

So these exercises are more catered to a "overweight" (compared to my high school weight) person with decreased flexibility. And these are just the start. I am also trying to lose at least 10 pounds, and I'm doing this by eating less overall, and eating more rabbit food overall.

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