Friday, October 12, 2007

Week 29.1

Did deadlift of 8 reps at 255 today! That's a new record. Felt good. Well, the last few reps in the moment didn't feel great, and then i collapsed to the floor right after, but emotionally, it felt really good.

Earlier this week, my squats didn't go so well. I had done 2 tough dog hikes over the weekend, so my legs were shot on Monday - I only squatted 185 - a 20 pound drop off.

Nonetheless, I'm feeling pretty good, and might shoot some video this weekend.

I feel good, but as far as jumping, i'm far away still. Thinking it might be time to pay some extra $$$ for a private consultation with VJB author.


Anonymous said...

It's been interesting following your videos and posts since you started your quest. I really enjoyed the last video, you should shoot more videos with dunking on a 9 foot rim.

What do you use when you measure your vetical jump?

I hope you will reach your goal.
Good luck!

Unknown said...


Firstly I'd just like to say good work on your videos. It really is a great way to log your progress.

The funny thing is that we are both working on the same goal at the moment of dunking the ball for the first time. I've got a few years under me, and am also working my way through the Vertical Jump Bible (when I find the time outside of work and partying). I'd love to give you some helpful advise but I'm guessing everyone on the internet has already done the same thing so I will refrain.

Hopefully Kelly Baggett the author of Vertical Jump Bible can see your website and become part of your growing publicity on the internet. It sounds like a win-win deal between you both. Kelly would have the best example of his product, and you would probably be able to dunk by the end of it.

Good luck keeping the hussle going and I wish you the best in vertical for the future.


Joel Lava said...

Thanks guys! Adam, i wouldn't mind any advise, but you are right, I've gotten tons of advice in my quest. So much that it's impossible to keep it all straight, or do half of it. That's why I said screw it and chose the VJB....