The latest video is below.
I was having a good weight session on Thursday until I strained my achilles on my left jumping foot. Uh oh! So I didn't do the plyo. I'll try that tomorrow if I feel OK.
Here's a video of some of my workouts, though I've moved on to Phase 3 of the Vertical Jump Bible workout.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 10
Week 12
Week 13
Your squat form is terrible, well not really, but your not going parrall, parrallel is when the top of you thigh is parrallel not your hamstring and glutes, do lots of mobility work with your ankles and hips, and when you warm up for the squat, go all the way down, I know it's bad for your ego to lower the weight, it's happened to me a bunch of times but it better in the long run. practice squatting with a weight you can safely go down on, then when you can do that just add weight. your plyos looked good, good job on depth jumps, and go for personal records every plyo workout, like start measuring your broad jump, and set goals like two hand slapping the backboard on the rim jumps, try your best to be explosive thats how you train your muscles and nervous system, I think with another good 3 or 4 months , you'll probally be able to dunk off one leg, and be able to hang on rim off 2 legs, If you have a question about training I'll be more than happy to answer, I also did novice weights program.
thanks, i know i'm not going low enough - that's why i put the two lines in the video, the green one being proper squat...i'll lower the weights starting next workout...
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"I Will Do Squats and Run Backwards on a High School Soccer Field"
"i will do what it takes, even if it's not faster than what everyone wanted"
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