Friday, May 25, 2007

Day 69

Back in the weight room today. My body needed less weight, which I expected. I stopped at 185 on the squats, but did 135 again on the deadlift. I was definitely feeling it in my glutes.

On the good mornings, i felt it in the right parts again. I feel that my form is good, which I expect since I lifted weights for 6 years back in my virile days.

Thanks to folks for their input. John commented in the last post that I shouldn't do deadlift and squats on the same day...which makes sense overall, but if I only plan to lift 2x a week, how would that work? Seems I'd have to do 4x a week if I want to split things up.....John also commented on my jump style, which is cool. If only John left his email... :-)

Tomorrow is plyo day. I think I'll have more energy.


thecityofsteel said...

please give more info on your diet and weight. I am trying to lose a few pounds, but from following your journey here, I feel like excercise is not enough. I am focusing on portion size. Can you please provide a little more info on your progress?

Yes, I understand this blog is not "I will diet".

Unknown said...

Oh, this is how you can split it up.

On Workout A do your Squats, Good mornings or Glute ham raise or Romanian deadlift

On Workout B do your Deadlifts, Lunges or Split Squats or pistol squats

That simple. I like to think of it as Workout A: Heavy anterior chain, auxiliary posterior chain. Workout B: Heavy posterior chain, auxiliary anterior chain. and we can talk more